How-To: Publish Your App On Android Market

In previous post, I was able to outline how to develop an Android App […The closest I have been to development as far as Android is concerned is installing the Android SDK, and that was so I could call the Android OS emulator, and then install an Android app on a Windows platform for testing. When I was asked to do this topic, my first reaction was “Hell No! I am not a developer…]

Nonetheless, I am sure the application won’t seat on your PC as you would like to have the App downloaded by many. The best and only place to do this for Android App is the Android Market which is also known as the Google Play.  This article will guide you through the process of doing so.

Application Testing.

Make sure you have tested your application rigorously against all Android versions. In addition to basic tests on the emulator, you should also test your application on a real, physical device. In an ideal world, you would test on multiple hardware devices running different versions of the Android OS. Buggy code makes for poor sales and a worse reputation.

Application Performance.

Ask the question: “Does my application perform well?”. “Does it do what it says on the tin?”. Performance is really important, especially if you’re programming a game. If your application is not responsive enough in certain cases, try to see if you can optimize those spots.

SDK Compatibility.

According to data collected around August 2, 2010, Android 1.6 is still active on 20.3% of devices that have accessed the Market and Android 1.5 enjoys 15.3%. Though Android 2.1 obviously dominates with nearly 60%, it may prove to be a good decision to support 1.6 if your application doesn’t require new features introduced in the later versions. In fact, some features like Move App to SD Card don’t even require 2.x to be set as the minimum supported SDK version.


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