You Must Develop For BlackBerry. RIM Sponsors Workshop At Co-Creation Hub

With an exciting eye-opener article on 5 Reasons Why You Should Develop for BlackBerry Platform in Nigeria by @Jesseoguns, you should know by now that it is a must for you to develop for BlackBerry as a developer – at least it is worth consideration.

ccHub and BlackBerry saw the need to have an enabling environment – knowledge and resource, for developers, and have gone ahead to providing a platform where developers can acquire BlackBerry application developing skills from a 4-day intensive training workshop for advanced BlackBerry developers in Nigeria fully sponsored by RIM.

This programme consists of two days classroom based hands-on training, followed by a one day of additional labs and support from the trainer to work on trainees own projects

Day 1: 08.05.2012

Introduction to User driven design. An interactive session to focus on understanding the target customer as a key requirement in building mobile solutions.

Day 2: 09.05.2012

  • Introduction to mobile development with HTML5 and Webworks
  • Setting up the development environment using either visual studio or eclipse plug-in
  • User Interface fundamentals (Input controls, inbox style list, image list, tall image list, graphics, buttons, charts and tabs)
  • Geo-location
  • Persistent storage (SQLLite database)

Day 3: 10.05.2012

  • Network connections (retrieving XML date, using JSON and jQuery)
  • Testing (ripple and simulators)
  • Application deployment (code signing, deployment, BlackBerry Appworld)
  • The Future (playbook and BlackBerry 10)

Day 4: 11.05.2012

One-on-one pre-booked time with instructor for support on previous day classes and app debugging where appropriate. Later in the day, there will be an open pitch session to determine the best application built. The community will vote the winner and a cash prize awarded.

Admission is strictly by invitation. Click here to fill the application form


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