HOW TO: Sign your Symbian and Java apps for free

For developers trying to create Symbian and Java apps, there typically are initial investment costs such as those associated with obtaining a Publisher ID and having the apps Symbian Signed or Java Verified. This process can take about four weeks and cost up to $215 (157 euros). However, if you are publishing your apps for Nokia Ovi store, you now have the opportunity to request to have certain apps signed for free by Nokia, reducing the turnaround time to two weeks and eliminating the signing costs. At the moment, only Qt, Symbian C++, Java, and Adobe Flash Lite apps can be signed by Nokia for free.

If you are developing Symbian and Qt apps, all you need to do is to follow the steps below. The flow diagram is shown in the picture above:

  1. apply for an Ovi Publish account and accept the latest Ovi Store Registration and Distribution agreement.
  2. Provides up to five device IMEI’s (International Mobile Equipment Identities) to be used to create a certificate installer for the Publisher’s devices to Ovi Publisher Support.
  3. Ovi Publisher Support will then send you a list of UID’s, a certificate installer, and a developer certificate/key pair for testing a qualified app. Additional UID’s can be requested at any time as needed by contacting Ovi Publisher Support.
  4. Package the app’s unsigned SIS file using the UID provided and tests it on a device, being sure to test it against the Symbian Signed Test Criteria.
  5. Submit the app (the unsigned SIS file with the UID provided) via the Ovi Publish tool.
  6. Ovi Store qualtiy assurance (QA) tests the app based on Nokia content and store guidelines, specific operator guidelines, and the Symbian Signed Test Criteria. If it passes, the app will be express-signed by Nokia and published in Ovi Store.

It is important to note that this arrangement covers only those SIS files that would typically be express-signed. SIS files that require certified signing will not be signed by Nokia. You will need to have them signed via third parties.

Publisher requirements for Symbian signing by Nokia

  • To meet express-signed levels the content cannot make use any of the following capabilities: AllFiles, DRM, TCB, CommDD, DiskAdmin, NetworkControl, and MultimediaDD.
  • All UIDs in the application must have been assigned by Nokia.
  • The primary UID of the application must match the one declared in the P2Ovi Metadata.
  • All embedded SIS files must already be signed.The localized and non-localized vendor information in the package file should closely match the publisher’s name as  it is seen in the Ovi Publish tool. When there is an obvious mismatch of names please provide supporting documentation to show reason. Often for content aggregators this can be a contract or similar business agreement that shows it is ok to have Party_A’s content published by Party_B.
  • The Vendor_Name field cannot be ‘Nokia’, ‘Vendor’/’Vendor-EN’, or left blank. The Vendor_Name can be seen by the consumer after installing your app.

If you you require Qt Symbian signing by Nokia, you need to follow the steps below in addition to the standard Symbian signing requirements listed above:

  • The publisher submits the app via the Ovi Publish tool, along with additional documents as needed.
  • Nokia QA tests the app based on Nokia content and store guidelines, specific operator guidelines, and Unified Testing Criteria, available on the Java Verified web site. If it passes, the app will be signed by Nokia and published in Ovi Store.
  • The file must be properly packaged with the Nokia Smart Installer.
  • The package must have been created with a non-beta version of Qt.

Java apps, however, requires a slightly different signing process.

  • You must have an Ovi Publish account and accept the latest Ovi Store Registration and Distribution agreement.
  • Before the publisher submits content, they must fill out the Java supporting documentation and detail of content submission.
  • The publisher submits the app via Ovi Publish tool, along with additional documents.
  • Nokia QA tests the app based on Nokia content and store guidelines, specific operator guidelines, and Unified Testing Criteria, available on the Java Verified web site. If it passes, the app will be signed by Nokia and published in Ovi Store.

Publisher requirements for Java signing by Nokia

  • Provide a flow diagram of the application as part of the metadata document field for the submission.
  • Complete the checklist and includes it as part of the metadata document field with the submission.
  • The permissions declared in the documentation must match those in the Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file and Java Archive (JAR) manifest file.

Source: Nokia Ovi Apps Packaging and Signing.