oTeKbits Videos: Why Now and What To Expect

Do you like reading long posts? I don’t. Whether tech or fashion, it’s better brief and concise. That’s why oTeKbits posts are on the short end (excluding tech reviews and analysis). More so, it’s time to launch a new form of content – video content. After all a photo speaks more than a thousand words and a video more than a thousand photos.

This is happening next week, and yes, I’m very excited. Before we launch oTeKbits Videos, I just thought it good to share what you should be expecting and why we decided to go video now.

oTeKbits Video –  Why Now?

Well, the future is audio-visual and we better we start now, than end up playing ‘catch-up‘. The emerging frontier for content on mobile (and web) is video. It is already accounting for a high amount of internet traffic and is estimated to be 80% by 2015 of all internet traffic.

We also noticed that a good number of our readers are from diaspora and consumption of video content is the norm there, so we are looking to add that to the menu. Bandwidth may be an issue here; still we cannot neglect the thousands of hours of videos streamed in Nigeria on a daily basis. We want a chunk of that. Don’t worry, bandwidth will get better, but we don’t want to wait until then. Press play!

What should you expect from oTeKbits Video?

Although the full name is oTeKbits Video, a short form – oTeKVideo is an approved alias. You can follow the Twitter feeds from @oTeKbitsVideo, as well as the hashtag – #oTeKVideo. We’d also be having a number of channels that you can subscribe to, including: The Startup Channel, The Developer Channel , Founder’s Stories, Tech-On-Street Channel, The ccHub Channel , The Review Channel, The News Channel, The Event Channel among others.

Thanks to our launch sponsor – Huntella, the video content will be available from normal to HD quality, and we promise to keep it fun, informative, and breif. Our aim is to showcase the local tech scene, as well as share information that is useful to a range of people – from tech makers to users.

You can subscribe to the YouTube and Vimeo Channel now. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter which comes with a summary of top and hot post that made the blog. Can’t wait for weekend? Subscribe to the blog and get all new posts in your mail box as they get published.

We are open to your feedback and suggestions, and sure looking forwards to reading from you. You can either use the comment box, tweet at us @oTeKbits, or send a message to us via Facebook or email – editor@bits.ng. Let’s talk tech!



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