OtekBits App now available on Nokia Store

We have just uploaded our “Otekbits” app on the Nokia Ovi Store. This was made possible using the Ovi App wizard. The Ovi App Wizard lets publishers like us mobilize content with just few clicks in just a few minutes. The only requirement is that your website has to have RSS and Atom feeds for video, audio, text and images for blogs. If you are using a Content Management System for your website, then it is most likely that your website has RSS feed already.

The RSS feeds are then formatted into an WRT or Java application that delivers fresh content to Nokia device every time the feed is updated. This app works on nearly every device that supports Ovi Store and is absolutely free of charge. The good news to publishers is that it requires no registration fees.

Now, you will not only get up to date information and news on happenings within the technology ecosystem, you can also take this information along with you everywhere you go. What are you waiting for? Visit Otekbits’ Nokia Ovi Store page to download the mobile app.