oTeKBrief – Weekly Review 3

Sorry this is coming a little late, as we were all out celebrating with Nubi – the birthday boy. If you missed last week’s review, click here first. If you didn’t, let’s get into all things tech that made it on oTeKbits during the week.

Africans love food! Well who doesn’t? Perhaps that’s why you will appreciate the work done at Food Network Africa.  After going through the recipes on the forum,  get to make yourself a Super Bowl of soup. I am pretty sure a good database will be required for such a service, so some security tips for running MYSQL database should come in handy.

If you don’t check out the tips, you may crash and burn – just like @ThisDayLive. Talking of crash, App Crash, and OS Crash, which of these two is worse – Android or iOS? You may be surprised about the outcome, but be ready to be flabbergasted with @DaTecNerd’s review of the BlackBerry Porsche. Still on BlackBerry (not the fruit), we had @Senimii share live updates from the Developers Conference in Amsterdam in videos and photos.

Heard of Omatek? I didn’t think so, but these guys have launched a N30 billion solar factory. Now that’s a company Nigeria should be proud of, especially since it was once a startup like Jobberman (No. 8, Forbes Africa Top 20 Tech Startups 2011). Looking to see more of such after MoMoNigeria January edition.

My First Bank share certificate doesn’t look so bad, but what if it was a Facebook Stock, how would it look like? I am personally looking forward to the new oTeKbits.ng (Shhh!), but for now let’s see what’s new with the new Dealfish site. Another site that may be of interest to you, especially if you like setting P, is Pinterest.

Valentine’s here! Even though the iPad 3 may be too late to make a gift for your loved one, an iPod watch could make the list. I hope your lover is not a lunatik, ‘cos in that case a droid 4 may be more appropriate, since it comes with QWERTY.

Sony’s definitely got talent! It’s proven that with its soon to be released PS Vita. Did I hear you say ‘good for ’em’? Well here’s your chance to show off at the Tech-In-Education hackathon by Co-Creation hub. Talent Wanted! Click here to apply.


Do have a nice week and keep it Techie.