Tech Humour: Your iPad Or Your Wife?

Contributor: Tech Mistress is not a so young “eccentric”, tech loving lady. She likes to share information in funny and witty ways, to inform but yet motivate. You can follow her on twitter – @AbiikeBlogger, and check out her blog – Mumuocrats.

I came across this very funny statistics and I thought I’d share it. I don’t know how true it is but I find it quite sexist. 1 in 10 men would rather have an iPad than a girlfriend and 1 in 33 men will dump their girlfriends for a free iPad. In China for example, there have been reports of people who will willingly give out their organs for a chance to use the highly coveted Apple gadgets in the market today – especially the iPad and iPhone.

Will people go that far here in Nigeria?

According to a poll by an online casino in America,  600 people were surveyed and the result indicated that 11% of single men will prefer an iPad to a relationship also according to the poll 3% of the men that were in a relationship will rather ditch their partners for an iPad.

Although the poll represents a small pool of the entire population, 600 respondents do not speak for the whole world and the details of their psychography are unknown or these respondents could be pure liars but there have been confirmed cases of die hard Apple users who have ditched their partners for not using Apple gadgets.

So the question is, will you rather have an iPad than a girlfriend? I can imagine my male readers giving all sorts of excuses and comparing the iPad to a woman.  “iPads don’t nag. iPads don’t demand for iPads and BlackBerry phones”. The list is endless. A last one before I dash off; evidence has revealed that 1 in 3 people will give up sex for a week rather than give up their gadgets.



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