Jobberman Gets On Opera Speed Dial

The last time I did a story on Jobberman, it was pretty negative. Then, again, you know what they say about ‘negative publicity’? It is still publicity.  Here we are again with another Jobberman story, well it’s not iROKING this time but Opera – the mobile window browser that’s going viral especially in Africa.

I did wake up this morning to use the Opera Mini on my Blackberry to check for movies showing at the cinemas today. And to my surprise, I noticed the ‘Jobberman tab’ on the Opera Mini Home menu. I latter got to know this is being referred to as ‘Speed Dial’. What is the deal again with Jobberman? Well, according to Mr. Osibo Imhoitsike, Opera’s Market Coordinator for Sub-Saharan Africa, Jobberman’s got a deal with Opera to be promoted on the Opera Speed dials.





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