Here’s The Microsoft Windows 8 Preview

It’s grown from rumors to truth. The Windows 8  is really here. Well not here yet, but soon. To prove that, Microsoft has finally released the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to the public – that is everyone, not just techies.

However, before get all excited to press the download button, be warned that the file sizes range from 2.5 to 3.3 GB depending on your preference between the 32-bit or 64-bit versions, so you will have to sacrifice quite some time and data capacity.

Fingerscrossed on the download process but good news is  Microsoft’s Steven Sinofsky did mention that the company is ready to satisfy Windows 8-hungry users. The servers seem to be coping with the load just fine for right now, but we’ll see how things progress as more people hear about it.

Alongside the long-awaited download links, Microsoft has also provided users with the necessary system requirements for running the Consumer Preview, and they’re just as lax as what Windows 7 required.

While a 1GHz processor and DirectX9 or later are a must, the rest of the requirement depends on which version of the OS you would like to run. If you’re a 32-bit type, you’ll only need 1GB of RAM and 16GB of disk space, while those of the 64-bit persuasion need at least 2GB of RAM and 20GB available on their hard drives.

Download preview here.


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