When would the rift between Apple and Google over patent application and services come to an end? Apple has announced (on Monday, 6th August, 2012) that the new iOS 6 operating system which powers iPads and iPhones would be missing the YouTube application which is owned by Google Inc.
Apple said in a statement that “our license to include the YouTube app in iOS has ended.” It added that owners of its devices would be able to use their Web browsers to view YouTube videos, and that Google was working on a new YouTube app that would be available through the Apple App Store.
In response, YouTube issued a statement: “We are working with Apple to ensure we have the best possible YouTube experience for iOS users.”
Amongst other reasons, reports from some technology industry blogs have it that Google has never had much control over the YouTube application for iOS which made it difficult for YouTube to run updates and advert.
Nevertheless, Apple’s noted there would be other ways to watch YouTube videos in the new iOS.
Perhaps an interesting response to this is one from a comment from the WSJ’s coverage. Here’s what one reader had to say:
Is this where our tech consciousness is now? Everyone’s minds embedded in conspiracies, moral decay, violent betrayals, and so much more? What happened to commentary without all the immediate accusations of vile intent and hateful behaviour? The business world at its BEST is competitive, aggressive and focused on overcoming other really good companies who want to make more money and capture greater market share than you. Yes there are sleaze-ball tactics but all I see here is all the accused are guilty as charged and justice be damned!
Well, what do you think?
Image Source: MacObserver