Lagos gets its version of TroTro Diaries

LAGOS CONVO is gist about an alternate Lagos and Nigeria, based on our very own true Lagos. Similar to what TroTro diaries is to Ghana, the online platform looks to give Lagosians and lovers of Lagos a peek into the alternate universe of Lagos. Using all the sights, sounds and experience of Lagos in particular and Nigeria at large, it weaves out thought provoking, witty and sarcastic stories about Lagos, Nigeria and its citizens. These stories make up the reality of LAGOS CONVO.

The stories that make up LAGOS CONVO are targeted at giving a peek into the lives, hopes, aspirations, challenges, dreams and ambitions of Nigerians. We reached out to the man behind the platform for the importance of these stories and he said – “They are an expression of the inner spirit of Lagosians and Nigerians: the part of US that makes us who we are. Through the stories, the rest of the world is introduced into the life, thinking, and everyday experiences of Lagosians and Nigerians.”

The stories are written in a unique Nigerian style of expression and communication; a language that reflects the rich culture of Nigeria. LAGOS CONVO is broken into different categories; POLITRICKS, WHAT I HEAR IN LAGOS, COUNTRY PEOPLE and CITY ROUND UP.

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